Another book for Pastor Rufus

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Pastor Rufus Maphula’s writing skills are improving with time. After he published his third book, titled Principles for Youth Success, towards the end of last year, what became clear was that this man of God is no ordinary author but a multi-skilled person.

His road to fame started way back in 1995 when he published his first book, Muswa a re na vhuyo (a youth with destiny). The book was a huge success and that prompted Maphula to go back to the publishers the following year. His second book, Muswa a re na vhuyo Volume 2, was published in 1996.

For unknown reasons, the 48-year-old author vanished from the publishing industry for almost two decades. He resurfaced early last year and published two books within the space of six months.

Although all four his first books are still in demand, Maphula felt that the need to give the youth a Christmas gift in the form of a book. His new book, A vision- and passion-driven youth, is dedicated to all the young people who have the desire to succeed in their endeavours. The book is 159 pages long, with 14 chapters.  

Some of the chapters that will make the book a must-have for every youth include Financial freedom, a choice that requires discipline, sacrifice, determination and patience and How to survive the spirit of jealousy.  Maphula believes that after reading the book, young people will have a better understanding and knowledge when addressing issues such as how to regain confidence after rape or how to overcome the pain caused by sibling rivalry in the family.

In the book, Maphula describes spending time with one’s family as a necessity and not an option and shows the youth the various ways that can help them to maximise their performance in the classroom.



Pastor Rufus Maphula. Photo supplied.


By: Frank Mavhungu

Frank is a Human Resources Manager at the Department of Public Works in Limpopo. He is the longest serving correspondent of the Mirror, having joined us at the end of 1990.  He mainly writes sports reports and resides at Tsianda Village. In 2004, Frank won the National Castle League Award, an award for the best reporter in the SAB league in South Africa.






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