Former Chief Whip of the Makhado Municipal Council Mr Moses Tseli.

Former Chief Whip now in parliament


The former Chief Whip of the Makhado Municipality, Mr Moses Tseli of Makhado, was sworn in as a member of the National Assembly on Wednesday during a ceremony conducted by Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng in Cape Town.

Tseli was previously a manager responsible for special programmes for the Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, and he was also chairperson of the National Education Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) in the department.

He served the ANC in various capacities, include as the first regional secretary in the ANC Limpopo region.  He joined the Limpopo government in 2004 as spokesperson of the then MEC for Economic Development, currently the Minister in the Presidency, Mr Collins Chabane.

Tseli told Limpopo Mirror that he was humbled to have been given such a huge responsibility to serve the people at that level and that he appreciated the confidence the ANC showed in him.


Date:23 May 2014

By: Kaizer Nengovhela

Kaizer Nengovhela started writing stories for Limpopo Mirror in 2000. Prior to that he had a five year stint at Phala-Phala FM as sports presenter. In 2005 Kaizer received an award from the province's premier as Best Sports Presenter. The same year he was also nominated as Best Sports Reporter by the Makhado Municipality. Kaizer was awarded the Mathatha Tsedu award in 2014.

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