The MEC for Health, Dr Phophi Ramathuba.

MEC visits Malamulele hospital


The MEC for Health, Dr Phophi Ramathuba, visited Malamulele Hospital last Wednesday.

According to a media statement, the purpose of the visit was to resolve several challenges, which necessitated the need for a change of management and to address several challenges raised by the Human Rights Commission (HRC). This came after the HRC wrote to the department about the death of boy who died last Monday in the waiting room.

In a media statement, HRC Provincial Manager Victor Mavhidula said they had found expired medication at the hospital, expired food in the kitchen and that doctors were neglecting the patients. "We are going to summon the Department of Health to give us a full report about these allegations and they must account for it," he said.

Ramathuba denied allegations that the child had died in the waiting room. She also said those doctors who were allegedly laughing when they were told that the a boy was dead would face a disciplinary hearing. "All disciplinary action will be taken against those doctors. They are not here to laugh at patients but to save lives," she said

She said they were in the business of eradicating diseases. "It is our responsibility to save lives. We want to be there to fight the battle against diseases," she added.

She also announced that the hospital will be under the new leadership of Mr Gezani Baloyi, starting from this month.

The new Malamulele Hospital CEO, Mr Gezani Baloyi.


Date:05 April 2018

By: Mbulaheni Ridovhona

The 22-year-old Mbulaheni (Gary) Ridovhona has been passionate about journalism to the extent that he would buy himself a copy of weekly Univen students' newsletter, Our Voice. After reading, he would write stories about his rural village, Mamvuka, and submit them to the very newsletter for publication. His deep-rooted love for words and writing saw him register for a Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies at the University of Venda, and joined the Limpopo Mirror team in February 2016 as a journalism intern.

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