Luvhuwani Madadzhe and his wife, Lindelani Nengovhela. 

SABC Livhu amidst gender-based violence scandal


Popular comedian and self-proclaimed philanthropist SABC Livhu suffered several setbacks the past week. Last week, his wife accused him on social media of abusing her. His sponsors were quick to react and distance themselves from his online shows.

Over the past five years, Livhuwani Madadzhe, well-known as Captain SABC Livhu, has been trying hard to turn his life around. In 2017, he was arrested on fraud charges for faking his mother’s death and claiming the insurance money. He responded to this setback by actively engaging in community upliftment projects, trying his utmost to help the less privileged.

Last Wednesday (11 August) in a Facebook Live video, Madadzhe’s wife, Lindelani Nengovhela, had a go at the comedian and described the past few years of her marriage as a very difficult period. She alleged that her husband beat her up “like a snake found in a house”. She said that one time he beat her, using a sugar cane stick, on her buttocks.

“I have been struggling for many years now, and I have also learned to drink alcohol to ease my pains. I am even thinking of finding Jane, so that she can hook me up with drugs.” (The reference was to Jane Tahulela, a former addict whom Madadzhe assisted.) She said Madadzhe was also abusive to their daughter, to the point where he once made her sleep in a dog’s kennel. According to her Facebook testimony, her husband even threatened to kill her.

“I have had enough of his abuse, and that is why I came out in the open. I have kept quiet for far too long, and if I continue like this, I will end up dead and people not knowing what happened,” she said.

Her Facebook posts turned Venda upside down and she received a lot of support. The revelations also prompted SABC Livhu’s sponsors to distance themselves from him. It started with Phanda Studios, after which NRand and Red apple followed. On Phanda Studios’ Facebook page the following notice appeared:

“Phanda Studios is deeply disturbed by the allegations of Gender-Based Violence against Livhuwani Madadzhe. As the owner and presenter of such a popular multimedia platform, we expect SABC Livhu to be an advocate against GBV, rather than an alleged perpetrator. We will immediately stop supporting and sponsoring Captain SABC Livhu Online.”

On Friday, everyone was expecting Nengovhela to open a case of assault with the local police, but she changed her plans instead, saying she forgave him.

“A wise woman puts her family first; she thinks about the future of her children first. Livhuwani is now dedicated to building a family. My husband apologised and he wants us to build a family. I am doing this for my family,” she said.

 She later deleted all the accusations she made against him on her Facebook account.

Livhuwani did not deny the accusations but instead penned an apologetic letter to his wife and fans.

“To Mme a Muofhe (Na Lushaka) I am writing this public letter to you because of how sad I feel about what I have put you through in the past 10 years of our marriage. Ndi sorry nga maanda ngazwendavha ndikhoni farisa zwone, kuambele, uni nangela vhane natea uvha vhona, usani support kha role yanu yauvha miavhana vhashu.

Athingovha munna wa vhudifhinduleli na thonifho kha ini nga maandesa nitshi amba nga mafhungo au alusa vhana vhavhanwe, I should have listened to you but my pride, or what I thought was pride got in the way, mme a vhananga utobva vhudzivhani ha mbilu yanga ndiri ndikho humbela pfarelo (I’m deeply sorry).

Ndiya zwidivha uri murahuni ndono amba uri sorry fhedzi zwazwino ndipfa uri ndi teya uzwi sumbedza uri ndi sorry uswika gai.

Ndikhoni thembisa uri aninga dovhi na vhona nwana wa mudini na muthihi mudini washu, angavha Mutshidzi ukho humela hayani and a mafhungo a Jane na Department of Social Development ndo divisa khao ubva namusi.

Kha lushaka ngau angaredza ngeo nnda I humbly ask for your forgiveness, I know you are mad at me right now, however I will keep my promise nda change ngauri ndikho toda uvha munna wa khwine.

Ndikho tenda uri thuso ndikho itoda itshibva kha vhathu vho teaho uri muta wanga udovhe ukhwathe.

Aingovha khole kana udiitisa kha vhu khakhi hovhu, fhedziha ndikho fulufhedzisa nau thembisa uri zwingasitsha itea na duvha na lithihi.

Lushaka thuso ndido tanganedza dzothe hu itela uri ndivhe munna wa vhukuma kha muta wanga, ndi dovhe hafhu ndivhe khotsi vhukuma kha vhananga.



Date:20 August 2021

By: Maanda Bele

Maanda  Bele, born and raised in Nzhelele Siloam, studied journalism at the Tshwane University of Technology.

He is passionate about current news and international affairs.

He worked as part of the Zoutnet team as an intern in 2017.

He is currently a freelance journalist specialising in news from the Vhembe district.

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