The deceased, Rivoningo Angel Ngoveni (19). Photo: Facebook.

Man in court after allegedly murdering young girlfriend


By Maanda Bele and Thembi Siaga

A 24-year-old man appeared in the Waterval Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 5 February, for the murder of his 19-year-old girlfriend last week.

According to Limpopo Police Spokesman Lt-Col Malesela Ledwaba, the victim, Rivoningo Angel Ngoveni, had left her home on Saturday, 27 January, to enrol at the University of Venda. The family said she had also planned on visiting her boyfriend in Chavani village, which is not far from Bokisi village, to bid him farewell before leaving for university. The family reported her missing the next day after she failed to return home the previous day.

Investigations by the police led to the arrest of the victim’s boyfriend, Nhlamulo Maluleke, on Thursday, 1 February, at around 11:30. He was charged with murder after he had allegedly taken the police to a shallow grave where he had buried Angel’s body. Preliminary investigations revealed that Maluleke had hit Angel over the head with a concrete brick and stabbed her in the upper body with a sharp object before burying her in a shallow grave.

Before his first court appearance, a large crowd from Bokisi and Chavani villages marched and danced outside the courthouse, waving placards and demanding justice for Angel.

The court also heard that Maluleke had set fire to his room at his home after allegedly killing her. A witness claimed that when Angel’s family started searching for her, Maluleke had contacted her father, claiming that they had been kidnapped around Polokwane. “His grandmother cleaned the room where he allegedly killed her before he set it on fire, which also raises concerns,” said the witness.

Maluleke abandoned his bail application, and the matter was postponed to 12 April for further investigation.

Mr Khazamula Ngoveni, an uncle who represented the family, said they were struggling to cope with the loss of the young woman. “We were looking forward to her furthering her studies at Univen. Her mother died while she was young, and we were expecting a bright future from her,” he said.

Mr Masungulo Mukhari, the community headman, expressed his shock over Angel’s gruesome murder and condemned the inhuman act. “We suspect that there might have been an influence of drugs or alcohol. We emphasise the need for youths to engage in positive activities like sports, to keep themselves productive. This way, they won’t end up in trouble,” he said.



Date:09 February 2024


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