Nzumbululo Nekhumbe was the overall winner in the Driver of the Year competition. Photo supplied.

EMS driver wins 2024 from Mutale Driver of the Year award


Mr Nzumbululo Nekhumbe, an EMS driver from Mutale, emerged as the overall winner of the Limpopo Driver of the Year competition, held at Polokwane Airport on 2 March.

Nekhumbe, from Folovhodwe, is the driver of a light delivery vehicle (LDV) and has 16 years of experience driving EMS vehicles.

The drivers competed in several categories, including rigid trucks, articulated trucks, light delivery vans, rigid trucks with trailers, and male and female bus and taxi categories. Nekhumbe went home with a cash prize of R20,000, including R5,000 for being the overall winner, along with a trophy and certificate.

Moses Nemakhavhani of Hope Transport at Venetia Mine won the category for bus driver of the year and collected R15,000, along with a trophy and certificate. Mashudu Bebeda of Hope Transport in Venetia took the second position in the LDV category and received R10,000, a trophy, and certificates.

The MEC for Transport and Community Safety, Ms. Florence Radzilani, said the main objective of the competition was to revise the driving skills of drivers in the country as the competition also runs at a national level. “The competition involves drivers of big vehicles, like buses and trucks. This is where we test all the drivers participating in the competition, on public roads and also inside the testing ground. It’s like when a person is getting tested for a driver’s licence,” she said.

Radzilani acknowledged that they were pleased to see that the number of participants for this year’s competition had increased dramatically, especially as more women were also taking part. “This really shows that people are taking the competition very seriously. This will also assist in terms of reducing accidents on our roads, where a lot of lives will be saved through this programme,” outlined Radzilani.

The overall winner in the LDV category, Nekhumbe, said he knew he was going to do it “because I’m a confident driver who always follows the rules of the road. I do not doubt that I will represent Limpopo well during the national competitions later this year.”



Date:09 March 2024

By: Kaizer Nengovhela

Kaizer Nengovhela started writing stories for Limpopo Mirror in 2000. Prior to that he had a five year stint at Phala-Phala FM as sports presenter. In 2005 Kaizer received an award from the province's premier as Best Sports Presenter. The same year he was also nominated as Best Sports Reporter by the Makhado Municipality. Kaizer was awarded the Mathatha Tsedu award in 2014.

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