Siyanda Dlamini, photographed when he visited the offices of the Limpopo Mirror and Zoutpansberger two weeks ago. Photo: Bernard Chiguvare.

Siyanda walks across Africa to try and promote peace and stability


We cannot stand idly by while our youth perish in our towns every day. We must question what has become of our world and consider what actions we can take to promote peace and stability, not only in South Africa’s townships but across Africa.

This is a message from Siyanda Dlamini, who is on a mission to walk across Africa to raise awareness about peace and stability on the continent. Dlamini, 31, hails from Mandeni, a small township in KwaZulu-Natal. Struggling to afford tertiary education, Dlamini turned to community-based projects. In January 2022, he embarked on his mission, traversing South African cities and towns. To date, he has visited over 90% of South African cities and towns, advocating for peace and a stable environment.

Dlamini is deeply passionate about his cause. “I’ve witnessed countless youths with no purpose, resorting to drug abuse. While I haven’t travelled extensively across Africa, I’ve often read and seen on television the instability in many African countries. As a continent, we stagnate without peace and stability. Peace is essential for economic growth,” Dlamini emphasised.

During his visits, Dlamini engages with schools and churches, undertaking community-based projects such as school renovations and engaging in conversations with young people about his mission. He has already visited more than 150 schools in South Africa.

Limpopo Mirror caught up with Dlamini on Monday, 19 February. Carrying a heavy bag and proudly waving a large South African flag, Dlamini exuded determination to fulfil his mission. On average, he walks 30 to 40km per day. “If not for my heavy bag, I’m confident I could walk over 40km per day. Currently, I’m heading to Zimbabwe,” he stated.

Regarding sustenance and safety, Dlamini trusts in divine provision. “I have no sponsor, but wherever I go, there are generous individuals offering food and accommodation,” he remarked.

Upon completing his mission, Dlamini aims to establish a ‘Peace Centre’ in KZN. Here, he plans to host over 200 visitors for a month, engaging them in community work and advocating for peace and stability.

Dlamini can be reached at 073-5815798 or [email protected]. He can also be followed on X @peacewalk2022.



Date:02 March 2024

By: Bernard Chiguvare

Bernard Chiguvare is a Zimbabwean-born journalist. He writes mainly for the online publication, Groundup.

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