Mr Rudzani “RR Nemupo” Radebe (sponsor). Photo supplied.

Soccer tournament and fun walk on eve of Christmas


The seventh edition of the Mupo Washu Soccer tournament and 10 km fun walk will be held at Mudimeli on 24 December. The fun walk will start at 07:00.

One of the organisers of the tournament, Mr Goldrick Radamba, described the sponsor, Mr Radebe, as a “selfless and caring community developer”. He said that seeing that many businesspeople did not plough anything back into the community was painful. He said most of the soccer stars of yesterday were now penniless and some were even taking ordinary jobs after a life of glory. “I have come to realise that a soccer career is very short and that many have hit hard times after being in the limelight and leading a life of glamour,” he said.

He also encouraged youngsters to take education seriously and not to rush to make “a quick buck” before securing their future. He emphasised that education is the key that can open closed doors for a sportsman.

According to the manager of the Mupo Washu Group, Mr Rudzani “RR Nemupo” Radebe, sport has the power to create a good climate between a business and the community in which it operates. “This is the company’s way of making sure that it touches the lives of those in the Mudimeli area,” he said.

He added that their sponsorship would increase from one season to the next, depending on the financial position of the business. He also stated that sponsorships played a vital role in sports development, especially in rural areas.

The winners of the tournament will go home with a new kit, gold medals, a floating trophy and R5 000.The runners-up will pocket R2 000 and silver medals.

The soccer teams that will participate are: Sokotenda FC, Bombers FC, Vhamami FC, Rirothe FC, Parma FC and Tshinakela Pitco Pirates.

The tournament and fun walk are sponsored by the Mupo Washu Group, Smart Toilet and Trailer Rentals and WTP Cleaning Services.



Date:22 December 2022

By: Kaizer Nengovhela

Kaizer Nengovhela started writing stories for Limpopo Mirror in 2000. Prior to that he had a five year stint at Phala-Phala FM as sports presenter. In 2005 Kaizer received an award from the province's premier as Best Sports Presenter. The same year he was also nominated as Best Sports Reporter by the Makhado Municipality. Kaizer was awarded the Mathatha Tsedu award in 2014.

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