Mutsitselwa Mureri we a pfufhiwa kha pfufho dza Book Behind kha tshiteṅwa tsha bugu ya khwine ya luambo lwa Tshivenda. Tshifanyiso tsho bveledzwa.

Mutsitselwa Mureri o pfufhwa nga kha bugu yawe ya zwirendo ya 'Mbuno dza lufuno'.


Tshiṱori nga: Elmon Tshikhudo. Ṱhalutshedzo nga: Khathutshelo Raliphaswa.

Muhashi wa Phalaphala FM ane a dovha avha muṱuṱuwedzi kha vhudavhidzani ha TikTok Mutsitselwa Mureri u khou ḓi sikela dzina kha nḓowetshumo ya maṅwalo. Mutsitselwa o pfufhiwa kha pfufho dza Book Behind kha tshiteṅwa tsha bugu ya khwine ya luambo lwa Tshivenda. Idzo ndi pfufho dzine vha dzhiela nṱha vhaṅwali vhane vha shumisa nyambo dza ḓamuni dzofhambanaho. Pfufho yawe ndi ya kha bugu yawe ya Mbuno dza Lufuno. Vhuṱambo ha pfufho ho farelwa ngei Pietermaritzburg nga Mugivhela wa ḽa fumi-na-thihi, dze havha hu khou tou khethwa vhathu nga tshitshavha.

Mutsitselwa ane zwa zwino avha na minwaha ya fuiṋa o ganḓisa bugu yawe ya u thoma nga ṅwaha wa gidimbili fumi-na-sumbe ye ya vhidzwa “Handbook of My Life”, ye ya tevhelwa nga iyi ya zwirendo zwa Tshivenda ya Mbuno dza lufuno nga ṅwaha wa gidimbili fumbili-mbili. Mutsitselwa uri u pfufhiwa hawe zwi amba zwinzhi khae hone zwo mu ṋea fulufhelo uri a bvele phanḓa na u ṅwala nga luambo lwa ḓamuni.

“Ndo takala vhukuma, na u ṱuṱuwedzea uri ndi ṅwale dzinwe bugu dza Tshivenda. Ndi muswa kha nḓowetshumo ya maṅwalo fhedzi ndi takalelwa na u ṱuṱuwedziwa nga vhanzhi. Pfufho yanga ndi ye ya ṱuṱuwedzwa nga khetho dza vhathu vhane nda tama uvha livhuwa zwihulu nga u ntikedza na u mpfulufhela vhukati ha vhaṅwali makone vhanzhi,” u amba.

Lwendo lwawe lwa u ṅwala lwo thoma a tshe kha murole wa tshikolo tsha fhasi. “Ndo thoma u ṅwala nga ṅwaha wa gidiḓaṱahe fuṱahe-ina ndi tshe mugudiswa wa tshikolo tsha fhasi tsha Vhutuwangadzebu. Afho ndi musi mudededzi wanga wa kale munnaavhane Vho Nndwammbi Muofhe vhori nea tshunwahaya ya u ṅwala tshiṱori tshipfufhi, ha simuwa dzangalelo ḽanga ḽa u ṅwala, u bva ṅwaha uyo ndovha muṅwali,” u amba.

“Ndo tumbula lufuno lwanga kha u ṅwala zwirendo zwenezwi ndi kha pfunzo dzanga dza nṱha. Ndo no ita ṱhanganelano na vhanwe vhaṅwali fhedzi ndi si dzhielwe nṱha kha ṱhanganyelo idzo. Nga ṅwaha wa gidimbili fumbili-mbili ndo ṅwala ‘Mbuno dza lufuno’ ye ya ganḓiswa nga vha Dzuvha publishers. Ndo vhona uri vhunzhi ha maṅwalo Tshivenda kana nyambo dza ḓamuni a dzi dzhielwi nṱha, ndi zwone zwe zwa nṱuṱuwedza uri ndi ṅwale nga luambo lwa ḓamuni,” a engedza.


Date:27 November 2023

By: Elmon Tshikhudo

Elmon Tshikhudo started off as a photographer. He developed an interest in writing and started submitting articles to local as well as national publications. He became part of the Limpopo Mirror family in 2005 and was a permanent part of the news team until 2019. He currently writes on a freelance basis, covering human rights issues, court news and entertainment.

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